Monday, April 10, 2023

Echo (pt. 5)


1 comment:

  1. When you're expectation is some cosmic truth or even enlightenment in the written word, but when you have it in your hands it looks like sudoko must to the dispraxic. So what do you do ? Do you go on a quest for the truth, do you educate yourself ? Or simply draw lines between the motes and scraps you can discern and not tell everyone that you're making most of it up...

    And all of a sudden there's a wholescale rebellion and you're being cited as one of the main enablers. There's no going back, there can be no retrenchment, the only thing to do is go deeper down the rabbit hole and possibly further away from whatever is actually in that text. So the knowledge must be protected, become sacred perhaps. And there's always the possibility that someone else read it before you got your hands on it.

    And that person or persons understood it, they know what it really says.


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