Saturday, June 17, 2023

Strange Then (8)

Strange then

that it had

to do with us.



  1. He wondered at the life sized stone effegies of warriors of ages past, their features slowly erroding over the centuries. But with the collapse of good governance their meaning had been long forgotten. Erected in memorium to guardians of peace and order, when that organised nation state faded from memory, the looser confederations of immigrants brought their new gods with them and the stone men became bogiemen who came alive in the dark of the night and abducted children and unwary. But then their civilisation was also swept away before all of the stone men could be smashed and in the modern era the ones that remain tend be away from population centres. But they are still here, guarding the wilderness and silently watching the ignorant descendants of those who usurped their creators as they enact their pantomine vengence.


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