Thursday, March 26, 2020

Sticks And Stones (two)

All noise and ire.



  1. I'm especially impressed with the RT era multi coloured pastel slaneshi marines. Quite wonderful.

    1. Thank you, and thank you for following.

    2. Also-- it's not really important to your enjoyment of the models, but this particular model is all plastic (except maybe his head is an old metal bit -?).

      I bashed this army together primarily from plastic models and lots of bits and bobs with just a few metal Noise Marine bodies (and a fair bit of resin) thrown it. The Noise Marine models that I did include are the later models and as much as I love the old RT and 2nd Ed followers of Slaanesh-themed models they're just out of my budget.

      VBut I definitely built and painted to that aesthetic.


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