Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Faction Four: The Publishers and Trade Unionists

And there are other parties and organizations that decide
for various reasons 
that they have legitimate reasons to militarize. . .

A Journeyman-Grenadier of Local 91 during the assault on the Limbus Chimney Facility, 958. 
Scholars of this phase of the war, the so-called Defiant Negotiations Outcome, wildly disagree the extent to which this phase of the conflict effected the overall outcome.



  1. I thought that the Company of Fishmongers had bought up all of the unionist's lands by the mid 970s ?

  2. Aha! So someone stayed awake during their Revised History of Pre-Secessionist Kalkovac and the Domistice Monarchy lecture! Good man.

    As you so aptly point out, the Company of Fishmongers had indeed acquired the majority of the Unionist's lands by Royal Edict in late 968. And therein reside the seeds of conflict, for the Unionists never felt adequately compensated in the transfer, which was if you remember conducted under duress by Officers at the Cabinet level. And it is worth pointing out that all attempts to redress the situation through administrative and judicial means went unanswered, so perhaps their sense of injustice was based upon reasonable grounds. In the end it was this single issue that solidified the resolve of the Publishers and Trade Unionists take to up arms in the civil war, as traditionally this group was a political entity and had no militant background whatsoever.

    The result of this particular political evolution turned out to be spectacularly catastrophic for not only the Trade Unionists but for the future of organized labor and the very notion of collective bargaining at the sector level.


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